Published Articles
Project Ruth in the International Press
Converting to Judaism: Is it good for the Jews? – opinion
Converting to Judaism: Is it good for the Jews? – opinion The current hurdles to entry at many Orthodox beit dins are almost impossible for the individuals who wish to join our ranks, and the process leaves…
I just felt this urgency’: For some, Oct. 7 fueled a renewed dedication to becoming Jewish
I just felt this urgency’: For some, Oct. 7 fueled a renewed dedication to becoming Jewish Members of a conversion program meeting in New York City on Dec. 21, 2023. Jasamine Hodge is seated in the center…
Time to Take the Plunge’: How October 7 Sparked a Huge Wave of Jewish Conversions in America
Time to Take the Plunge’: How October 7 Sparked a Huge Wave of Jewish Conversions in America U.S. rabbis say they have never seen anything like it: An unprecedented spike in the number of people interested in…
THE CHOOSING ONESConverting to Judaism in the wake of October 7thBY JEANNIE SUK GERSEN